Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder Book Trailer

Hi Friends! I just wanted to share my new book trailer for Goldilocks. Please share with your child’s teachers, school librarians, neighbors, and friends. This is how we assemble allies for autistic family members.



You can purchase Goldilocks at AAPC Publishing or at Amazon

Published by

Amy Nielsen

Amy Nielsen is a former children's librarian of nearly twenty years. She now spends most of her time obsessively pounding on a keyboard. She is the author of It Takes a Village: How to Build a Support System for Your Exceptional Needs Family, Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Her upcoming YA Worth it debuts in May of 2024. She is also a freelance writer for The Autism Helper. When she's not writing, she and her family are most likely crusing the waters of Tampa Bay.